
Chocolate Cream

Boil a quarter of a Pound of Sugar I a Quart of Milk, for a quarter of an hour; beat up the Yolk of an Egg, put it into the cream, and give it three or four boils. Take it off the Fire, and put in Chocolate, till you have given the colour of Cream: Then boil it for a Minute, Strain it through a Siever, and serve it in China Dishes. Cinnamon Cream, is made after the same manner.

From John Nott, The Cook's Confectioners Dictionary, 1723

Cinnamon Cream (modern)

  • ½ cup sugar
  • 4 cups warm milk
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 eggs

In a two-quart saucepan, cook milk and sugar on medium heat and allow to simmer 15 minutes while stirring. In a separate bowl beat the egg, then add a spoonful of warm milk to keep the egg from curdling. Slowly add the egg to the warm milk. Once incorporated, turn up the heat to medium high and allow the cream to come to a gentle boil for about two minutes while stirring, so that the cream thickens. Once thickened remove from the heat and allow the cream to cool, and then serve.

This project was developed through a Teaching American History Grant partnership between Anne Arundel County Public Schools, the Center for History Education at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and Historic London Town and Gardens.