
A Blanc-manger of Harts-horn*

Take about a Pound of rasped Harts-horn, proportionably to the quantity you design to make, and let it boil for a considerable time; so that, dipping you Finger therein, you perceive that the Liquor is become as it were clammy; which is a sign that ‘tis sufficiently boil’d. Strain this Jelly thro a very fine Sieve, and pound the Almonds; moistening them with Milk and a little Cream. Then you must strain the same Jelly with these Almonds, three or four times, to render it very white, and put thereto a little Orange-flower-water.

If the Entertainment be made on Fish-days in Lent; for the Evening-course, the Blanc-manger must only be strain’d with pounded Almonds; squeezing a little Lemmon-juice therein, and no Milk is to be put into it. When ‘tis ready it may be serv’d up in Ice.

From J.K., The Court and Country Cook, 1702

This project was developed through a Teaching American History Grant partnership between Anne Arundel County Public Schools, the Center for History Education at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and Historic London Town and Gardens.