
To Pickle Marygold Flowers*
From Mr. T. of Buckingham

Through the Marygold Flower is of old day in Pottage; yet it continues still its stand among the useful things of the Kitchen, and cannot more easily be worn out, according to the custom of the Country, when the Country Folks make Broth, Mint with Pease, Fennel with Mackarel, and such like, cannot be forgot. And as the Marygold-Flowers are used in Porridge, I send the Receipt how to pickle them. Strip the Flower-leaves off, when you have gather’d the Flowers, at Noon, or in the Heat of the Day, and boil some Salt and Water; and when that is cold, put your Marygold-Flower Leaves I a Gallypot, and pour the Salt and Water upon them; Then shut them up close till you use them, and they will be of a fine Colour, and much fitter for Pottage than those that are dry’d.

From Richard Bradley, The Country Housewife and Lady's Director, 1732

This project was developed through a Teaching American History Grant partnership between Anne Arundel County Public Schools, the Center for History Education at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and Historic London Town and Gardens.